Who I Am

Hello! I'm starting this blog as I'm preparing for double jaw surgery in just a few short months. As I've been wrapping my mind around what's to come and starting to plan every small controllable detail I can like the Type A rock star I am, I've come across so many incredibly helpful and comforting blogs written by people who've faced the same experience. It has made me feel so much less alone in this journey that I thought I'd start one myself. I would love to offer encouragement to anyone who's had similar challenges to mine and would also welcome coming across anyone who's going through surgery at the same time. Here's a snapshot of me!
  • I'm a 31 year old wife to an amazing man and mother of 3 adorable young kiddos. We live in Colorado and love it.
  • TMJ has been an unfortunate large part of my life since I was 10 years old. It became all-consuming 5 years ago when my frequent headaches and jaw pain became excruciating all day, every day occurrences.
  • I had both a TMJ splint and braces simultaneously when I was 12-14 years old. The braces made my teeth beautifully straight but my bite opened back up within weeks of getting my braces and bands off. The TMJ splint helped my jaw relax and stop locking up, but I had very frequent headaches as a teenager and young adult. I stopped wearing the splint when I outgrew it.
  • 5 years ago when my pain got out of control, I started seeing another TMJ doctor. He made me another splint which I wore 24/7 up until just a few months ago when I got braces on for surgery. The splint helped me not be in horrible pain all the time (although a good deal of the time I still had bad pain), but it simply wasn't livable.
  • After many years of trying countless (seriously) interventions to help with the pain and improve my quality of life, my extremely conservative, anti-surgery TMJ doctor referred me to my current orthodontist and surgeon. I'm scheduled for double-jaw surgery December 6th, 2017 and am both excited and slightly terrified.
I'll share more about my reasons why I'm moving forward with surgery and of course pictures (pictures are the best!). I'm excited to see the changes and improvements that will come over the next 6+ months!
